緻3PL Asia Forum,中(zhōng)國倉儲供應鏈物(wù)流的春天到來。

發布時間:2015-05-30 浏覽次數: 我(wǒ)要分(fēn)享

    我(wǒ)是楊志(zhì)翔,成都潤寶物(wù)流有限公司總經理。過去(qù)16年,我(wǒ)用了4年從事國際貿易,用了12年在成都從事中(zhōng)國西部物(wù)流工(gōng)作。大(dà)約在2006年,在中(zhōng)國海運集裝箱運輸公司工(gōng)作期間,我(wǒ)的歐洲客戶告訴我(wǒ):楊,我(wǒ)很想我(wǒ)的産品在成都進行分(fēn)銷,但是,沒有合适的倉儲配送物(wù)流支持。于是,我(wǒ)開(kāi)始了以成都爲中(zhōng)心的中(zhōng)國西部倉儲配送物(wù)流的建設性工(gōng)作,我(wǒ)創建了潤寶(rainbow)物(wù)流。RAINBOW, 美麗而神聖,我(wǒ)希望它能跨越障礙,讓世界物(wù)資(zī)暢通無阻。

Ladies and Gentlemen
I’m Yang Zhixiang, general manager of Chendu Rainbow Logistics Limited Company.  Over the past 16 years, I have spent 4 years on the international trade and 12 years on western China logistics. Around 2006, when I was working in China Shipping Container Lines, one of my European customers told me: Yang, I really want my products to distribute in Chengdu, however, I find no suitable the supply chain company. After that, I started the constructive work on Western China’s warehousing and distribution logistics centered in Chengdu, and founded Rainbow Logistics. Rainbow, beautiful and holy, and I hope it can overcome obstacles so as to make the world supplies unhindered.


"Headquarters of the Chinese economic development report (2012 ~ 2013" show that Chengdu headquarters economic development strength in the middle western city first, Xiamen, Chongqing, Xi'an City beat and ranked eighth in the nation. Chengdu in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, is located in the first 1.5 cities, is the first of China's 60 cities, but also the first of China's western city.


The total population of Top 60 is nearly 300 million that is higher than the total urban population in America. If you see it as a single economy, it can be “the world’s second largest economy”, accounting for 9% of global output. In the next 10 years, its contribution to global economy is expected to reach 15%.
一(yī)、 機遇



    1.1 唯品會設置全國最大(dà)倉庫于成都。成都區域銷量居唯品會全國銷量第一(yī)

    1.2 京東一(yī)開(kāi)始就在成都設置倉儲總部,亞馬遜進入成都,etc

    1.3 ZARA  5年前就進入成都,銷量創造奇迹。

    1.4 優衣庫兩月前進入成都

    1.5 美國史泰博籌備進入成都

    1.6 DHL供應鏈進入成都



Based on the strong market attraction and government policy guidance, the next 10 years many multinational enterprises in the future to Chengdu, which is the opportunity to run treasure. Strong market, strong international companies settled, the international product into, the need for quality logistics enterprises. As the central city of West China, the logistics standards and logistics network and international docking of Chengdu need to be.
From the geographical environment, Chengdu is located in the southwest of the city for the first time, a significant advantage is to undertake the eastern, linking the Western bridgehead. There are beautiful cities in the cultural heritage of the Three Kingdoms, there are food, beauty, customs, life, there is a bustling, panda, this is a wonderful and fantastic city.
Around me, look at these cases.:
1.1 the only product will set the country's largest warehouse in Chengdu. Chengdu regional sales volume only product sales first national
1.2 Jingdong set up headquarters in Chengdu, Amazon entered Chengdu, etc
1.3 ZARA 5 years ago to enter the Chengdu, sales to create a miracle.
1.4 of its two months ago into Chengdu
1.5 U.S. Staples preparations to enter Chengdu
1.6 DHL supply chain into Chengdu
There will be a lot of things in the future, as the Internet makes everything possible, international manufacturers, business enterprise will rapidly influx of China, into the west of China Chengdu! 



    随着 供應鏈的速度和響應能力的新需求,帶來了新的機遇。中(zhōng)國倉儲物(wù)流的春天已經到來!






The era of warehousing logistics

With the supply chain speed and responsiveness of the new demand, has brought new opportunities. Spring of warehousing and logistics in China has arrived!
Ma Yun to Germany, Hannover to find the important part of the Internet economy missing. What is that part?

- quality products. Of course, he didn't express it..

Quality products is cement, is the real economy, is the value of the Internet information "

The Internet has solved the problem of data push, now it is the quality of data.. Logistics will address the actual management and delivery of the goods.

China has big enough market, when the world enterprise by the "mouse" came to China, their "cement" will depend on us to carry! This is the warehouse logistics spring! Is also the opportunity to run treasure!






Intelligentialize of Warehousing logistics

In the past 15 years, China's Internet has solved the issues of communication and consumption. Now it’s working on the quality issues. And our logistics work comes from commodities circulation based on Internet.

So, in addition to the "mouse" and "cement", a pair of wings ---- logistics----is needed.

Products can be sold in a number of electronic business platforms, "cement" can link many "mouse", but they just need one excellent logistics provider.

China's logistics industry will also enter the era of intelligentialize, informatization, service optimizing, individuation and customization!And we have taken this step 4 years ago.






    潤寶(RAINBOW)的漢字是“潤”“寶”。“潤”是  BE GOOD AT,“寶”的意思是  珍貴的東西。所以,我(wǒ)們要良好對待客戶珍貴的貨物(wù)!

Humanization of RainBow Logistics

Logistics industry is now closely associated with human behavior. Logistics is people-oriented!

As a regional logistics operator, we realized that in a responsibility-oriented and task-oriented enterprise, the most important issue is the value of team rather than the advanced technology. Enterprises need philosophy and culture. Great

value would come out with the combination of excellent management team and advanced technologies.
Rainbow logistics is committed to do domestic logistics. We are trying to create an ideal, vital and cultural logistics

enterprises with sense of mission. We treat our logistics as task, not just as business!

Based on mastery of the advanced technology, we provide services of supply chain in the southwest area to traditional distribution companies and emerging business enterprise, earning a good reputation.

The character of Rainbow is “Run”, “Bao”. Run means ”be good at”, “Bao” means precious things. Therefore, we would take good care of customers’ precious goods!







China needs high-quality "regional electricity logistics"

In fact, both the traditional distribution business and new business enterprise are considering those things: customer experience and timeliness.

Logistics standards are the same: safe, accurate and efficient.

Difficulties vary.

Chinese electricity retail market has become the world’s largest electricity provider market since 2013 with an annual sale up to 30 billion. It is still under development

Consumption of E-merchants has become a way of life.

And one key to gain competitive advantage in electricity commercial enterprises is: best logistics services.

Therefore, the key solution to the problem is “put the warehouse near the target market, establish rapid logistics model and complete orders as near as possible”

Thus, there is an urgent need of truly outstanding, regional logistics companies!

Therefore, here we are.







How to provide regional supply chain in China and electricity warehouse management solutions for customers?

China is a huge market with vast territory. A logistics company alone is difficult to provide full coverage of logistics services. This requires: logistics enterprises cooperation, the Union!

We provide customers with service, which is based on their individual needs. Besides, we would optimize our service on considering local logistics condition.

Large logistics companies provide concepts, standards and support, while regional logistics enterprises perform. Giving a detailed plan of logistics agency will be one of the solutions to problems.

International logistics enterprises need more great ideas to cooperate with regional logistics enterprises, and regional logistics enterprises need to create higher standards of logistics value. When regional logistics network and international logistics network combine, you can deliver anything to any parts of the world!


    目前爲止,商(shāng)業模式的變革帶動物(wù)流業的發展。比如: B2B,B2C,C2C,O2O,F2O,~



    未來商(shāng)業經濟三大(dà)主體(tǐ):工(gōng)廠、倉儲、互聯網 持續發展

    未來将産生(shēng):W2C (warehouse to customer),W2B(warehouse to Business)~新的商(shāng)業模式。所以馬雲要作菜鳥物(wù)流。



About future of RainBow

So far, the changes in the business model drive the development of the logistics industry. For example: B2B, B2C, C2C, O2O, F2O, ~ all are driven by Internet.

What will be the future of logistics?

Three main parts in future economic business would be: factories, supply chain logistics, sustainable development of the Internet

The future will produce: W2C (warehouse to customer), W2B (warehouse to Business) ~ all new business models. So Ma Yun would do the ABC in logistics.

Regional logistics provider, community logistics providers and living logistics providers would make accurate delivery of good information in the future. Logistics is an important part in commodity distribution and precise promotion of E-merchants. Supermarkets are in danger!

So, Rainbow is trying to build: supermarket warehouse! We provide more value-added services for customers!

If everything happened, hot summer of warehousing logistics is coming.

This is a wonderful era! Thank you.